A Dogs Life

Dog Boarding/Doggie daycare

A Dogs Life

There is great excitement when we bring a dog into our lives and its life’s journey gives us such joy …and …great sadness when they die. We are then left with wonderful memories to cherish forever.

I was five when i got Popsy, the sweetest little dog ever! Before she died, my mom wrote her a letter. i read it to her as she lay in my lap. I’m sure she understood every word, her tail was wagging. I would like to share it with you.


At seven weeks old you were named by my daughter -POPSY-: because you just popped along. PANSEYFACE: When Christina held you face in her hands, she said it looked like a pansey flower. PARKINS: because you are family. You seem to love everything except “dogs”.

You have been the model subject of many dresses occasions. HALLOWEEN: A bumblebee and taken off to the doggie bow*wow*ween. EASTER : An easter bunny dog in a tutu…. and …. CHRISTMAS : decorating POPSY in bulbs and Christmas lights and Christmas ribbon.

Always sweetly accepting of our fuss and fun. you have always been a joy in our lives. you are now eighteen years of age , without sight and hearing you are still accepting and loving….. and to see you tail wagging … you must be thinking of some sweet moment.

I love you Popsy!

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  1. I love these memories! She was so loved, loving.and accommodating of your every holiday decor or daily dress ups wasnt she! A fond memory indeed.
    So proud of you Christina, for the love and attention you put into caring for the pups! Youre lucky to have such fabulous places you h to exercise and hike with them !Im sure they’re in good hands!

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